What are YOU reading this week?
I am an avid reader who finds many of my favorite books through word of mouth. The many book-related conversations I have had in the hallways since I started working at the College of Lake County Library inspired me to start a Reader’s forum on the CLC Library blog.
I hope some of the books I recommend pique your interest, and you will add your own comments and suggestions.
What is the What? by Dave Eggers
The compelling life story of Valentino Achak Deng is one that needs telling and is worth reading in this fictionalized account by Dave Eggers. Deng, a Sudanese Lost Boy survives a childhood walking across Sudan, Ethiopis, and Kenya, and living in refugee camps. Separated from his family for many years, he faces unexpected and heartwrenching challenges when he finally immigrates to the United States. Eggers interweaves Deng's personal journey with the tragic history of conflict and destruction in Sudan. Deng has since become a citizen of the U.S.A.
Find the Book in the CLC Library
Read about Egger's latest work
I am reading Last Child in the Woods. Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv. The author is a journalist who postulates that modern childhood problems (such as ADHD, overweight and anxiety/depression)are linked to lack direct contact with nature. The book is full of specific examples, stories and interviews - including many possible avenues to improve the situation. It is a call to action to increase children's exposure to the stress-reducing health and emotional benefits of exploring biology and natural settings.
Thank you for letting us know about this interesting book. If any of the CLC community are interested in reading it, too, it is available at the CLC Library.
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