Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tomorrow's Professor

Are You a 21st Century Library-Ready Instructor? ask Michael Rogers and David Starret from Southeast Missouri's State University.

Due to the conveniences within our society - instant messaging, ATMs, home banking - students expect information at the touch of a button and in many cases, this means

However, Google sources pose their own problems - authenticity of information being one of the largest.

How do instructors and librarians reach the net-generation students? The authors suggest adapting assignments; helping students see the library as more than a place to study, drink coffee, or tap into a wireless network.

Online instructors can benefit from the Internet presence their library has already created. The
Murphy Library has many resources that are available to students and instructors that can be reached without stepping foot inside a building.

Libraries, in turn, need to evolve into "anytime/anyplace" research institutions.

The full article can be found

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